Source code for urdubiometer.scanner.scanner

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Base class for metrical scanner.

    Base class for metrical scanner that is extended to support different
    metrical paradigms.

    Scanner uses a best-first search. Nodes are
    of type start/root ("Start"), metrical unit ("=" for long, "-" for short,
     and "_" for an optional, uncounted short followed by a wordbreak), or
    accepting ("Accepting").

# add specific examples
import itertools
from collections import deque

# import logging
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL)
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .types import NodeMatch, ScanIteration, ScanResult, UnitMatch
from .validate import validate_parsers, validate_meters_list, validate_constraints
from .initialize import _meters_graph_of, _constrained_parsers_of

[docs]class Scanner: """ Scanner class. Parameters ---------- transcription_parser : graphtransliterator.GraphTransliterator Transcription parser. long_parser : graphtransliterator.GraphTransliterator Long metrical unit parser. short_parser : graphtransliterator.GraphTransliterator Short metrical unit parser. constraints : dict(str, dict(str, dict(str,list[str]))) Nested dict of constraints, organized by previous node, next node, previous production and finally a list of next productions, e.g. ``{'-':{'-': 's_bs':['s_c']}}``. meters_list : list[dict] A list of dictionaries of meters, containing a meter regex and details. find_feet : function Method to add metrical feet to a scan post_scan_filter : function Filter to be applied after scan, used to narrow results. """ def __init__( self, transcription_parser, long_parser, short_parser, constraints, meters_list, find_feet=None, post_scan_filter=None, ): validate_parsers(transcription_parser, long_parser, short_parser) validate_constraints( constraints,, ) validate_meters_list(meters_list) self._transcription_parser = transcription_parser self._long_parser = long_parser self._short_parser = short_parser self._find_feet = find_feet self._post_scan_filter = post_scan_filter self._constraints = constraints self._constrained_parsers = _constrained_parsers_of( constraints, long_parser, short_parser ) self._translation_graph = _meters_graph_of(meters_list) self._meters_list = meters_list
[docs] def transcribe(self, input): """Transcribe input using transcription parser. Parameters ---------- input: str Input string Returns ------- str Transcription of input string """ return self._transcription_parser.transliterate(input)
[docs] def scan(self, input, first_only=False, graph_details=False, show_feet=False): """ Scan input. Parameters ---------- input: str Input string first_only: bool Return the first scan only graph_details: bool Return the graph details (list of :class:`NodeMatch`) show_feet: bool Show metrical feet in scan. Default is `False`. Returns ------- list or None if graph_details is False, a list of UnitMatch. if graph_details is True, a list of NodeMatch. None if no complete scans are found. """ def special_parser(): """Determine if there is a constrained parser to be used.""" if not self._constrained_parsers or len(matches) == 0: return None parent_type = graph.node[parent_key]["type"] try: if parent_type == "_" and node_type == "=": parser = self._constrained_parsers[parent_type][node_type]["*"] else: parser = self._constrained_parsers[parent_type][node_type][ matches[-1].rule_found ] return parser except KeyError: return None graph = self._translation_graph assert graph is not None parse = self._transcription_parser.transliterate(input) # find original tokens, and add whitespace. transcription_tokens = ( [[self._transcription_parser._whitespace.default]] + self._transcription_parser.last_matched_rule_tokens + [[self._transcription_parser._whitespace.default]] ) # logger.debug("Parse for input %s is: %s" % (input, parse)) tokens = self._long_parser.tokenize(parse) # logger.debug("Tokens for input %s are: %s" % (input, tokens)) completed_scans = [] stack = deque() for _ in graph.edge[0]: # <--- could add weights here stack.appendleft( ScanIteration( node_key=_, parent_key=0, token_i=0, matches=[], matched_so_far="" ) ) continue_processing = True while continue_processing and len(stack) > 0: iteration = stack.popleft() (node_key, parent_key, token_i, matches, matched_so_far) = iteration node = graph.node[node_key] node_type = node["type"] # logger.debug(iteration) # ---- check if accepting ---- if _is_accepting(node): if token_i == len(tokens) - 1: # at final whitespace # add feet to scan if show_feet: # this will raise an error if find_feet is # not set for the Scanner. matched_so_far = self._find_feet(matched_so_far) scan_result = ScanResult( scan=matched_so_far, matches=matches, meter_key=node.get("meter_key"), ) completed_scans.append(scan_result) # logger.debug('completed scan: %s' % str(scan_result)) if first_only: continue_processing = False continue # ---- otherwise, check that node matches here ---- if node_type == "=": parser = special_parser() or self._long_parser elif node_type == "-" or node_type == "_": parser = special_parser() or self._short_parser assert parser rules_matched = parser.match_at(token_i, tokens, match_all=True) if not rules_matched: continue # tokens have been matched for this node, so process its # children. # logger.debug( # 'Rules # %s of parser rule matched ' % rules_matched + # 'at node %s of type %s ' % (node_key, node_type) # ) children = graph.edge[node_key] for rule_key in reversed(rules_matched): rule = parser.rules[rule_key] for child_key in children: # store data about current match for this node # This includes the original tokens matched by the # transcription parser. # Retrieve and flatten original tokens. orig_tokens = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [ transcription_tokens[i] for i in range(token_i, token_i + len(rule.tokens)) ] ) ) if graph_details: match_data = NodeMatch( type=node_type, matched_tokens=rule.tokens, parent_key=parent_key, node_key=node_key, orig_tokens=orig_tokens, rule_found=rule.production, # rule_key=rule_key, token_i=token_i, ) else: match_data = UnitMatch( type=node_type, rule_found=rule.production, orig_tokens=orig_tokens, ) # add new scan iterations stack.appendleft( ScanIteration( node_key=child_key, parent_key=node_key, token_i=token_i + len(rule.tokens), matches=matches + [match_data], matched_so_far=matched_so_far + node_type, ) ) if len(completed_scans) > 0 and self._post_scan_filter: completed_scans = self._post_scan_filter(completed_scans) return completed_scans
@property def meters_list(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`:: Meters list.""" return self._meters_list @property def translation_graph(self): """:obj:`urdubiometer.DirectedGraph`:: Translation graph.""" return self._translation_graph
# ---------- methods ---------- def _is_accepting(node): """Check if node is accepting.""" return node.get("type") == "Accepting"